Self-Signed Certificate (SSL): Configure SSRS/PBIRS with SSL Certificate!

Self-Signed Certificates: SSRS/PBIRS are the two most popular reporting services offered by Microsoft. When it comes to SSRS/PBIRS configuration on SSL (https:) then we need a certificate to do so. In this article we will see how to create self-signed certificates so that we can configure the SSRS/PBIRS URL with HTTPS.

Get Self-Signed Certificates?

Step 1: open PowerShell with Administrator rights and type the below command in step 2. Please open PowerShell with administrator rights as you can see below.

Self-Signed certificate

Step 2: Now, we have to use this below 5 command to get the self-signed certificates first and then we can configure in SSRS/PBIRS. Run this command one-by-one in PowerShell.

Certificate Script?

New-SelfSignedCertificate -CertStoreLocation cert:\LocalMachine\my -dnsname VM0

$pwd=ConvertTo-SecureString “mypassword123” -asplainText -force


Export-PFXCertificate -cert cert:\LocalMachine\My\< put the Thumprint of command 1 here> -file $file -Password $pwd

Import-PfxCertificate -FilePath $file cert:\LocalMachine\root -Password $pwd
Configure SSRS with an SSL Certificate
Self-Signed certificate
Note: In 1st line of command, you can see that “VM0” is my PC name and SSRS instance name now, when you browse SSRS/PBIRS https URL then you will see that name (https://VM0/Reportserver). So put accordingly what name you need when you browse the URL.

Step 3: Now if you browse the folder which is mentioned in command 3, then you will find the certificate which was exported.

image 29

SSL Certificates Configure?

Step 4: Now we will see how to use this certificate in SSRS/PBIRS to configure the SSL. If you have followed all the steps correctly then you will see the self-signed certificates in the SSRS/PBIRS configuration manager. Now I will open SSRS in my PC, as you can see below.

Self-Signed certificate

Step 5: Go to “Web Service URL” and select the certificate which we have just created, in my case you can see that it is VM0. So I will select and click on apply to proceed further.

image 28

Below image you can see that my https is visible and configured.

image 27

Step 6: Now we will do the same for “Web Service URL” as well. Now you can see in the below image first I will web portal URL >> then click on advanced >> then click on add below >> then select the certificate in my case it is vm0 and then click on ok/apply.

Self-Signed certificate

Step 6: Now in the below image you can see that, https URL is showing below. My suggestion we will be to restart the SSRS/PBIRS instance and then if you browse the https URL’s it will work as expected.

image 33

Step 7: Here you can see in the below that I am browsing the https URL and it is working fine without any issue.

Self-Signed certificate

Remove SSL Certificates!

Step 1: Open PowerShell with Administrator rights and type the below command in step 2. Please open PowerShell with administrator rights as you can see below.


Step 2: Type this below command in PowerShell and see the below screenshots for more reference.

Delete Commands?

Get-ChildItem Cert:\LocalMachine\My

Remove-Item Cert:\LocalMachine\My\DED846251085E4DC7E101D0FB1FE418E2E703167
image 31

SSL Certificate with Web IIS Server

Self-Signed Certificate Using WEB IIS Server – SSRS/PBIRS (


Hope this article helped you in creating the self-signed certificate for your requirement. The requirement is to have SSL on the SSRS/PBIRS URL’s then this is best article with the required explanation. Creating SSL for SSRS/PBIRS is not only limited to this, but you can also use self-signed certificates for other purpose as well. If you have any concern or doubt, please feel free to comment it down.

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Hello there! I'm dedicated Microsoft Data & AI Engineer at LTIMindtree, where I thrive technology into actionable insights. Dive into my world by visiting my YouTube channel & Webiste, "Kingfisher Tech Tips".

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