SQL WHERE Clause: Where clause is used to filter data based on conditions and we have different ways to do that, below you can find the options on how to do that with simple examples.
We have multiple options to use in SQL Where clause a multiple way specifies the comparison operators to get the data based on operations. Follow the below sample examples for more information. Click Here!
— 1. We can use comparison operator with where clause like (=, >, >=, <, <=, !=, <>). Note: Not equal to can be used in 2-ways (!= or <>).
— 2. Always use string (basically text) with in double quote and single quote (“” or ”). Same applies to date as well.
FROM customers
WHERE points = 3000;
FROM customers
WHERE state >= 'VA';
FROM customers
WHERE birth_date <> '1990-01-28';
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