SQL BETWEEN Operator: You can use the SQL BETWEEN operator to select values that fall within a certain range. This applies to numbers, text, or dates. The BETWEEN operator includes both the start and the end values in the result set.
— 1. This operator is used to get data/values in between the attributes. E.g.; Getting values from 1000 points to 3000 points.
— 2. We can also get values from different range without specifying BETWEEN operator (1st query).
— 3. As we can in the 2nd query that we have specified BETWEEN operator to get values from particular range. For more information click here!
The below example we will see how to achieve the below query output and code in different ways!
FROM customers
WHERE customer_id >= 3 AND customer_id <= 6;

Find the below query on how we can do the same thing with BETWEEN operators.

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